Manhattan Play System
Ascend to great heights and scale an urban jungle with the Manhattan playset. Children will have a blast crawling up the Net Climber, an accessory attached to two curved Overhead Swinging Rung Ladders and Vertical Ladders set up in a symmetrical pattern. Once on the elevated platform, children can take the Arch Bridge to the next level where they are sure to encounter a Snake Climber, Bubble Panel, and Straight Slide. Then, racing up a flight of stairs, kids will discover another interactive area featuring a Ship’s Wheel and Tic-Tac-Toe Panel to facilitate dramatic and social play. They can zip down a Triple Slide with two of their friends, racing each other to the bottom, only to delight in more inclusive playtime toys! On the ground level, the Manhattan offers all sorts of ADA-compliant activities, like a Drum Panel and Store Panel, ideal for encouraging creative play and musical exploration. Transform your school, daycare, or park’s outdoor space into the playground that never sleeps!
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