The Stamford is compact, yet free-flowing in its layout, engaging kids’s senses and promoting physical development. Young children can walk straight onto the structure’s bottom 6-inch platform without any stairs required, and work their way up elevated platforms as they progress. Another option is to climb up an Inclined Crawl Tube to explore more of the playset. The Stamford structure is packed with educational and dramatic panels bordering almost every platform. A Tic-Tac-Toe Panel, Maze Panel, Gear Panel, Bear Panel, and Bubble Panel, all encourage problem-solving skills and imaginations. A straight slide is attached to a 30-inch deck, the Stamford’s highest elevated platform, which kids can zoom down to find a whole host of ADA-compliant activities awaiting them on ground level. Once there, kids will discover a Single Drum, Bongos, and a Rain Wheel. The Stamford is great for chuldren between 6 and 23 months of age.
View all playground equipment for 6-23 months